Trailer Tuesday 6.12.12

I was hoping to have a preliminary Prometheus review up yesterday, but one of my sisters called and I ended up talking to her for an hour instead.  So, hopefully I will post it last today, and then come back and edit it after I’ve seen the movie again.  It’s very thought-provoking.

This week in theaters Rock of Ages debuts.  I love musicals and I think this movie looks like a lot of fun, although I’m not sure what the message will be (and there’s no doubt that even if the overall message is positive, this won’t be a “wholesome” film).

Also new this week is That’s My Boy starring Adam Sandler as yet another goofy and irresponsible moron.  I haven’t liked an Adam Sandler movie since 2004’s Spanglish, and I’m not planning on seeing this one.  I can already tell I won’t like it.

Last week the first trailer forWreck-It Ralph was released.  It’s kind of like Toy Story but with video games, and a theme about redemption and choices, perhaps, or becoming a “new creation”.  It looks fantastic!

Advance tickets went on sale this week for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, the conclusion to his epic Batman trilogy.  (The movie comes out July 20).   At this point my only question is, how awesome will this movie be?  More awesome than Avengers?  More awesome than The Dark Knight?  Because there’s no question it’s going to be awesome, I’m just waiting to find out how much.  Of the three trailers released so far, this one is my favorite.

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