Trailer Tuesday 8.28.12

I feel habitual shame about the lack of consistent updates on this blog.  My failure is a combination of lack of discipline and overabundance of  expectations, (meaning I feel like I shouldn’t post anything unless it is well thought-out and researched, with clear and appropriate scripture references.)  While thinking about what to say in this post earlier today, I had decided to revise the purpose of this blog and make it okay for me to post less-polished reactions or reviews that don’t always discuss explicitly what the message is and whether or not it is Biblical.  But then as I sat down to type I wondered if that approach would be actually be antithetical to the original purpose of Digest Movies, which was to not only provide movie reviews from a Christian perspective, but also to force myself to have to analyze movies I put in my brain through a scriptural filter so I don’t unthinkingly absorb flawed theology.  My tagline is “consumption shouldn’t end with intake.”  If I only analyze the script, acting, or tone of a movie, but not the message, is that a failure, or are there some movies that really don’t have much of a message?  Even if it doesn’t have a clear or strong message, should I analyze the worldview it displays?  I would appreciate feedback on this, either in the comments (or in real life/twitter/facebook/phone if you’re one of the followers that knows me.)  The problem is not really that I am not analyzing the movies I watch, it’s in organizing my thoughts into a review that I feel fits this page.  So I either need to change the format of the blog, or try harder to sit down and write and quit making excuses.

But today is Tuesday, so let’s watch some trailers.  The only new movie that comes out this week that I want to see is Lawless, a period piece set in the American prohibition era, based on real-life bootlegging brothers.  It stars a lot of big-name actors that I like and looks like it will be a good (but violent) drama.

Pitch Perfect, coming out later this fall, (October 5), is a movie that I totally want to see in a guilty-pleasure sort of way. (How good can a movie with a line like “let’s remix this business!” in the trailer be?)  But I’m a sucker for musicals.  And I love Anna Kendrick.  I hope that it is at least better than Rock of Ages.

A few weeks ago we got the first trailer for Oz, The Great And Powerful, a prequel to The Wizard of Oz that doesn’t come out until March 2013.  I’m definitely into it so far.  (How could I be a Kansas girl not like Oz?)